Our four pillars — Education, Research, Organization, and Partnership — provide an organizing framework for our goals and strategies.

Our pillars bring clarity and help drive action.
This refreshed plan identifies an updated goal and four strategies for each pillar. Implementation planning will focus on building out specific actions and indicators of success for each strategy. As with Building the Future: 2016-2021, people from across the Faculty of Medicine and our partner organizations will be engaged in implementation.
Our vision, values and commitments have driven the development of the goals and strategies in each pillar. As we implement and evaluate our progress, we will reflect on and respect the ethical frameworks that underpin this plan.

Our goal is to educate, develop and mentor future and current health practitioners, educators and researchers who can work together effectively to serve evolving health needs.

Our goal is to create, translate, and implement knowledge at scale across all research areas to increase global impact and promote improved individual and population health.

Our goal is to cultivate a respectful, inclusive and discrimination‑free organizational culture with systems that support everyone in achieving their fullest potential.

Our goal is to advance health system alignment through collaboration to shape practises and policies that improve the health and well-being of people and populations.
Building the Future: 2021–2026 is the refreshed strategic plan for UBC’s Faculty of Medicine.
Special thanks to all the faculty, staff, students and partners across the province who have contributed to the development of this plan.