Strategic Investment Fund

The UBC Faculty of Medicine’s refreshed strategic plan, Building the Future: 2021-2026, describes our vision and values, expresses the commitments in our contracts with society and with ourselves, and identifies one goal and four strategies for each of the four pillars: Education, Research, Organization, and Partnership.

The purpose of the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) is to encourage members of the Faculty of Medicine (FoM) to advance the Faculty’s strategic goals outlined in its strategic plan. The SIF will invest up to $1M per year to support new and innovative projects that result in impactful and sustainable outcomes.

The 2024 competition is an open call and proposals supporting all strategies and pillars are invited for submission. In the future, the Dean may target specific priority areas for competition.


Guidance for applicants

The following sections are mandatory for all proposals, and the following guidance is provided on how to effectively address the SIF criteria:

The Faculty’s refreshed strategic plan, Building the Future: 2021-2026, outlines four pillars (Education, Research, Organization and Partnerships) that provide an organizing framework for its goals and strategies.  Proposals must align with at least one pillar and advance one or more of the strategies under that pillar. Applicants must specify the pillar(s) and strategy(ies) that their project aligns with and explain how the project’s activities and/or outcomes will advance the Faculty’s strategic goals.

Applicants must ensure that throughout the proposal, they describe how their project will support culture transformation by promoting equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism/anti-oppression as foundations for systemic and behavioural change. The project should integrate principles of EDI in its execution (e.g., project team, student engagement, collaborative partners, community engagement) and outcomes (e.g., intended beneficiaries). Relevant frameworks and policies are available for review here and the REDI Office is available for consultation. Additionally, applicants are encouraged to review and work through the strategic equity and anti-racism (StEAR) framework and the Activating Inclusion Toolkit.

Applicants must ensure that throughout the proposal, they describe how their project will contribute to the Faculty’s commitments to reconciliation, decolonization and Indigenization. In addition, applicants should articulate how they situate themselves in relation to Indigenous engagement and their role in advancing truth and reconciliation. Applicants should review the Faculty’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan.  As appropriate, applicants should seek advice from the UBC Indigenous Research Support Initiative, the Office of Indigenous Strategic Initiatives and/or the REDI Office.


Space, IT and Indigenous consultation(s)

For projects involving space or digital technology requirements, or projects focusing on Indigenous objectives, applicants must engage in consultation as part of the proposal process. Consultations should be initiated at least three weeks before the application deadline. 

If the project involves any potential change to existing space usage (e.g., a significant change in the number or type of users, installation of new equipment requiring power, data or other special infrastructure) or requires new space, a space plan must be submitted as part of the application. Applicants must consult with and obtain sign-off from Stephen Arentsen (, Senior Planner, Space Planning & Facilities Management, for this plan. 

When making the consultation request, applicants must include both their completed space/facilities plan and a draft of their SIF application. Download the space/facilities plan (MS Word).

Projects involving the development of digital technology solutions such as digital learning resource design and development, research data collection, data and analytics, cloud computing, websites/web apps, or end-user collaboration technology, must consult with and obtain sign-off from the Office of the Deputy CIO Medicine ( for this plan.

When making the consultation request, applicants must include both their completed digital technology plan and a draft of their SIF application. Download the digital technology plan (MS Word).

As described above, all SIF projects must ensure that throughout the proposal, they describe how their project will contribute to the Faculty’s commitments to reconciliation, decolonization and Indigenization. Furthermore, applicants who propose activities directly aligned with one or more of the following Indigenous-focused objectives (see below), must provide additional information and consult with Derek Thompson (, Director, Indigenous Engagement, to review the project’s proposed activities and approach, and to receive guidance on best practices for advancing truth and reconciliation.

When making the consultation request, applicants must include a draft of their SIF application that addresses:

  • How their project will increase awareness and knowledge of First Nations, Inuit, or Metis culture, demonstrating a commitment to learning about the distinctness of Indigenous Peoples in BC and Canada;
  • How the project is motivated by community-led interests, reciprocal relationships, co-development and principles of mutual accountability in collaboration with Indigenous communities;
  • The project’s culturally safe engagement strategy and methodology; and
  • Applicant’s knowledge/expertise relevant to undertaking this project.

This process helps to ensure the proposal is reviewed with Indigenous knowledge and experience. Additionally, applicants proposing an Indigenous-focused project are also strongly encouraged to work through the ISP Self-Assessment Tool.

Indigenous-focused objectives:

  • Exploring the experiences and perspectives of Indigenous students, faculty or staff. This may include topics such as curriculum, admissions, the learning environment, faculty experiences and practices, the practice environment, learner well-being, pedagogical approaches, and health equity, as well as other aspects of health training and research.
  • Work that is grounded in relationship and community through engaging in dialogue, collaborations, or cultivating relationships with Indigenous community partners.
  • Improving or enhancing of Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing.
  • Deconstructing colonialism and moving away from unequal colonial knowledge structures.
  • Promoting reconciliation of power relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
  • Addressing specific Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action.


Applicant eligibility

To be eligible to participate in the competition, the following requirements apply:

  • Leads and co-leads must either hold an appointment or be employed by the UBC Faculty of Medicine
  • Each project can have up to two project leads, who will be referred to as co-leads.
  • Learners, post-doctoral fellows, and external stakeholders are only eligible to serve as project team members.
  • Individuals can only submit one application per competition as a project lead or co-lead. However, individuals may participate as team members in multiple proposed projects.

How to apply

Application submission & deadline

Applications must be submitted online through the Survey Monkey Apply portal:

The deadline for the call for proposals is 11:59:59pm on September 9, 2024. A proposal received at 12:00:00am on September 10 will not be accepted.

Application components

As described above, all SIF projects must have the following considerations embedded throughout the proposal content:

  • Principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism, which should be reflected in areas such as project team composition, student engagement, collaborative partners, community engagement, and project outcomes, demonstrating how their project supports culture transformation. 
  • The Faculty’s commitments towards reconciliation, decolonization, and Indigenization, which should be reflected in areas such as project design, implementation, and outcomes. Additionally, the applicant’s own role in advancing truth and reconciliation efforts should be reflected.

SIF proposals include the following sections:

  • Project title
  • Name and contact information for the Project Lead and, if applicable, Project Co-Lead
  • List of project team members (10 maximum)

  • Project summary (100 words)
  • The primary strategic pillar and strategy the project proposes to advance
  • If applicable, the secondary strategic pillar and strategy the project proposes to advance
  • Project start- and end-dates

  • Checkbox: Does this project involve potential changes to existing space usage or require new space within the Faculty of Medicine, either at a health authority site or university campuses? If checked, a consultation must be scheduled and a space plan will be required to be uploaded.
  • Checkbox: Does this project involve development of digital technology solutions? If checked, a consultation must be scheduled and a digital technology plan will be required to be uploaded.
  • Checkbox: Does the project directly advance one or more of the Indigenous-focused objectives described above? If checked, a consultation must be scheduled and additional details will be required in the project description.

  • Need, Innovation, Feasibility: A description of the proposed project, including details on the need for the project, innovation, feasibility, long-term and short-term objectives, and key project milestones with dates. (750 words)
  • If applicable, description of the project’s connection to previously funded SIF projects. (75 words)
  • Strategic Alignment: Articulation of how the project aligns with and is likely to advance the Faculty of Medicine’s strategic plan, including its vision, values and contract with. (250 words)
  • Team: Evidence that the Project Lead and team have the necessary qualifications/expertise to execute the project, along with a description of their roles in the project. (250 words)
  • Intended outcome(s): Description of the sustainable deliverable, lasting benefit, or important next step that this project will deliver. (75 words)
  • Evaluation: Description of the evaluation approach (i.e., qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation metrics) that will be used to assess whether the project has achieved a sustainable deliverable, produced a lasting benefit or led to an important next step. (100 words)
  • Sustainability: Assessment of the project’s potential to be scaled up to engage or benefit more broadly beyond the initial funding period, as well as a description of a sustainability plan. (125 words)
  • Knowledge Translation: Description of how the project outcomes, evaluation and lessons learned will be shared with the broader Faculty of Medicine community. (100 words)
  • Budget and Justification: List of budget items with justification that will be used to assess the realism of the budget. Applicants must ensure that the project does not have conceptual or budgetary overlap with other secured or applied-for sources of funding. (Justification: 250 words)

Additional requirement for proposals with one or more Indigenous-focused objectives:

  • Description of the project’s proposed activities and approach informed by a consultation with the Director, Indigenous Engagement. (250 words)


The application template (MS Word) is available to support offline proposal development. Please note that this template cannot be used for proposal submission. Applications must be submitted online through the Survey Monkey Apply portal.

Note: Proposals involving engagement with external stakeholders or organizations should clearly convey their support within the proposal content where appropriate. The submission of external Letters of Support (LOS) will not be accepted.

Eligible project costs

Project funds are intended to support the development of approaches to address the Strategic Plan’s objectives and strategies. All projects funded by the SIF are required to adhere to UBC’S Expenditure Guidelines and the Indigenous Finance Guidelines.

  • Personnel costs, such as salary expenses for a one-time or term-limited position dedicated to the project. The decision to extend or shift the position to permanent once the project is complete is up to the responsible unit.
  • Technology costs, including expenses for equipment, software, or material that are scalable and sustainable, and accessible beyond a single unit or small group of individuals.
  • Meeting or workshop costs, such as focus groups, and stakeholder consultations.
  • Outreach or engagement-related costs.
  • Honoraria as a form of recognition, such as for speakers, moderators, or content experts.
  • Travel costs.
  • Media services.

Application requirements & criteria

For an application to be considered eligible, the proposed investment must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Investments must be one-time or term-limited, and not recurring. In other words, investments must be used to fund specific projects rather than ongoing operational needs.
  • Investments must not be allocated towards independent research projects that otherwise would be eligible for external research funding (e.g., CIHR).
  • Investments must not be allocated towards building a curriculum for a new course or program that otherwise would be covered through future tuition or course fees. These costs are considered operating expenses.
  • Investments must not be directed toward projects that primarily focus on clinical care delivery or clinical care system improvements as these types of projects fall outside of the Faculty of Medicine’s teaching and research mandate.

Applications that meet the minimum requirements will be evaluated based on the following ten assessment criteria, each scored on a five-point rating scale:

  1. Need, Innovation, and Feasibility: The degree of need for the proposed project, its level of innovation, and its feasibility in terms of implementation, resources (including space and digital technology, if applicable), and timeline.
  2. Strategic Alignment and Advancement: The extent to which the proposal aligns with and advances the Faculty of Medicine’s strategic plan, including its vision, values, contracts, goals, and strategies.
  3. Project Leadership and Team: The qualifications and experience of the Project Lead and the proposed team members, including their expertise, skills, and track record in relevant areas.
  4. Evidence that EDI, anti-racism/anti-oppressions are integrated in the proposal: The extent to which the proposal incorporates EDI and anti-racism/anti-oppression principles in the proposal, including in the project design, implementation and outcomes, as appropriate.
  5. Evidence that commitments towards reconciliation, decolonization, and Indigenization are integrated in the proposal: The extent to which the proposal incorporates commitments towards reconciliation, decolonization and Indigenization, including in the project design, implementation and outcomes, as appropriate. Additionally, the applicant’s reflection on their own positionality in relation to the concepts of truth and reconciliation will be considered.
  6. Project Outcomes: The potential of the project to produce a sustainable deliverable, lasting benefit, or important next step.
  7. Metrics of Success: The extent to which the metrics of success are clearly defined and relevant to the project objectives and expected outcomes.
  8. Knowledge Translation: The extent to which the knowledge translation plan clearly and concisely describes how the project’s findings and insights will be communicated to the Faculty of Medicine community and contribute to positive change in the field.
  9. Budget Realism: The realism and adequacy of the proposed budget, including its alignment with the project's scope, goals, and timeline, and its feasibility in terms of available resources and funding priorities.
  10. Overall Value for Money and Benefit: The potential of the proposed project to offer good value for money to the Faculty of Medicine, and to generate the greatest benefit for the greatest number of people, either on its own merits or relative to other proposed projects in the same round.

Review & selection process

Step 1: The proposals will be screened initially by the Dean’s Office to ensure they meet the minimum requirements and eligibility. 

Step 2: The proposals will undergo a two-stage review process:

  • Stage 1 Review: Eligible proposals will be assigned to members of an adjudication panel. Members will independently review and score the proposals based on the assessment criteria. The panel’s initial scores will be used to identify non-competitive proposals. Subsequently, the adjudication panel will meet with the SIF chair to validate the list of competitive proposals that will advance to the next review stage.
  • Stage 2 Review: The Strategic Plan Pillar Leads will convene with the SIF Chair to discuss the list of recommended proposals and by consensus identify the best portfolio of projects that align with and advance the Faculty’s strategic priorities within the funding envelope available.

Step 3: The Dean receives the funding recommendations for final selection and funding decisions.


In accepting a SIF allocation for a successful proposal, the Project Lead agrees to submit status and final reports according to the schedule outlined in the funding letter and using the templates provided.

Additional information

The term of the grant is between one to two years, depending on the proposed project start and end dates.  Projects must be planned so that all activities are completed within two years of the project start date. Projects that involve specific engagement or activities that involve Indigenous communities, partners and/or learners will be considered for three-year terms.

Multi-year projects will receive funds at the start of the project. All eligible expenditures must be incurred before the end of the award term and reconciled within 3 months of the project end-date.  Any unspent funds will be returned to the Dean’s Office after this period, unless a one-year no-cost extension is granted with sufficient justification at the discretion of the Dean.  Requests for a no-cost extension must be submitted prior to the project end date. The SIF Project Lead and Co-Lead (if applicable) are responsible for monitoring project expenditures and ensuring the SIF account is not overspent. In case of overspending, the Project Lead or Co-Leads are responsible for covering any account over-expenditures with their home department/unit.

SIF funds must be spent on items proposed in the SIF application or on items reasonably required to complete the project and/or achieve the intended project outcome. While there is flexibility to adjust budget allocations as needed, these changes must not negatively impact the project (i.e., cause significant delays, fail to meet project objectives, be reallocated to ineligible expenses, or increase overall budget costs due to inefficiencies). Any amounts spent, including commitments, must be reported through the progress report. If a budget change is anticipated to have a negative impact on the project, Project Leads should contact the Program Contact to discuss these impacts before any expenses are incurred.

The Project Lead is responsible for managing all aspects of the project, including financial oversight.  They will provide annual progress reports and a final report to the Dean.  A standardized form for the reports will be provided. If the SIF Project Lead fails to submit the progress report(s) and/or the final report on time, the Dean, on the recommendation of the SIF Chair, may decide to withdraw funding from the project and/or deem the Project Lead ineligible to apply for future SIF competitions.  SIF Project Leads are strongly encouraged to contact the SIF Chair if a project is not proceeding as planned, if the SIF Project Lead is not meeting their responsibilities, or if the project is encountering significant challenges.


Past rounds

See summaries of projects funded through previous rounds here.  Note that some projects may have been funded under different program terms. 

Program contact

For any questions regarding this program, contact:

Building the Future: 2021–2026 is the refreshed strategic plan for UBC’s Faculty of Medicine.

Special thanks to all the faculty, staff, students and partners across the province who have contributed to the development of this plan.